At the end of our alpine meadow lies the "Hinterjudendorfalm" at a height of 1400 m above sea level. It measures about 70 hectares. During summer our parents farm the alp with about 40 cattles.
Until 1952 milk, butter, and cheese had to be carried down the mountain on a small, steep walkway. Since then the cable car connects the alp with the Holiday Village Ponyhof. Four pillars back the 1500m long cable car which has been constructed for the transport of goods only. A weight of 300 kg can be moved up and down while it is forbidden to transport humans or animals. Even today the fresh milk from our mountain pasture is transported the whole way down to the valley by cable car.
Since 1991 there has been a road closed to general traffic, which was built by the Bringungsgenossenschaft Judendorf for the development of the timber industry. From this time on, the alpine pasture is also accessible for us as neighbors with a vehicle and for our guests the footpath is no longer so difficult.
During the summer months our alpine pasture is a welcome destination for hikers and mountain bikers who are looking forward to a hearty snack and a cool drink.
By the way: The name "Judendorf" (Jewish village) has its origin already in the 11th and 12th century. During that time so called "Judendörfer" (Jewish villages) were built along the old and important transportation roads especially along the lateral passes of the Alps. In this period the "Vorder- und Hinterjudendorf" (the front and the rear Jewish village) developed along the important connection between Salzburg, the Friuli in Italy, and Venice.
We have one more favor to ask of you: Our alpine pastures and meadows in Austria are pure nature and appreciated holiday destinations. But here, too, there are clear and very simple rules of conduct to ensure that humans and animals are not endangered.Everyone who visits or hikes through an alpine pasture must know: This is neither a petting zoo nor an adventure playground! Please inform yourself on Youtube or on the 'Mind the Cows' flyer.