Links for your holiday

Weather forcast (region Zell am See) (only in German)

Webcam Location: Großglockner - Edelweißspitze


ÖBB Travel Portal

Airport Salzburg (ca. 80 km)

Airport Innsbruck (ca. 160 km)

ÖAMTC - Austrian Automobil-, Motorrad- und Touring Club (only in German)

Motorway Tax Tag - Informations about Austrian motorway tax


Glocknerkönig - The bike-event of the Großglockner-Hochalpenstrasse

Bauernherbst - Harvest Festival - one of our tradition

Oldtimer-Traktor-WM - Tractor friends from whole Europe are meeting here (only in German)

Feuerwehr-Oldtimer-WM - Oldies of fire engines will crest the Grossglockner Hochalpenstrasse (only in German)

Mountainbiking SalzburgerLand

Mountain shelter-Links

Alpenvereinshütten - Search for mountain shelter at Austria, Germany and South Tyrol

Hüttenordnung - Published by the Austrian Alpine Association

Erzherzog-Johann-Hütte - The highest mountain shelter of Austria (only in German)



Our business partner

We work closely with our business partner and the guests of our partner have the possibility to use some of the offers form the Holiday Village Ponyhof. If you are interested in our wellness-area, the breakfast, the diner or our activities programs, you are able to order it without difficulty. Please speak to your host in this regard.